Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pass the Peas, Please

2011 Peas
Dateline: May 30th:  Last year I planted some Cascadia sugar snap peas in November and enjoyed small handfuls of peas all winter long and well into May. Well hah!  So much for thinking that you know something. This January, I started some more Cascadia peas, and have only gotten bupkis until well into May.

The taste - the same, meaning very good, very sweet, even if they sneak past and get a little large.  But perhaps not worth the bother for all six or seven of them.  Maybe in the fall I'll try again...

2012 Bupkis

Dateline: June 20th:  Well hahaha! The peas got out of the shade, the bees showed up, whatever, but the peas got really busy. As in over 7 (that's right, seven) lbs. of busy. I know this because after I pick them, I walk to the produce stand and weigh them. One time the produce stand was closed, so I went into the cheese store next door and a very helpful worker there not only weighed them, but printed out the label (.90 lbs.), just in case no one would believe me.  (She didn't laugh - I told her I had a small bet on with my Mom - and of course I shared some with her.)

A  small portion of the 2012 Crop

Gee.  I think I'll plant some more this fall.  Cascadia sugar snap peas.  They grow 3-4 ft. tall, so it's better if you stake them up.

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