Monday, May 20, 2019

Got Blankie?

It's a Binkie. No, a Blankie. Wrong, a Cosy. Or is it a Softie? Regardless of its name, it's a big hit with our great-niece Amelie.

It was news to me that babies should never sleep with soft bedding - blankets, pillows, quilts, soft toys - until they are at least 12 months old because of the risk of sleep-related causes of death. Yikes and Double Yikes!

So this welcoming quilt I made for Amelie was put aside until she was older. But now it looks like she is more than ready for her Binkie. Or Blankie. Or whatever.

In fact, it looks like she is just about ready for anything.

Photos courtesy of Courtney Camperell


Sue Johnson said...

beautiful colors for a very happy girl!

Jill said...

Thank you. I am really glad that Amelie is now enjoying it. I don't remember my first "Blankie" but I do remember my first pillow. It may even be around here somewhere.