Sunday, January 6, 2013

Brag, Brag, Brag #5: Pauline Autet

We were very fortunate to become acquainted with this wonderful New Zealander who was studying art at Cal this past fall. Everyone agrees that she is a treasure.

For her final project in her ceramics class, she created a series of small pieces to be installed outside. The point being to encourage people to become more aware of their surroundings. "People just don't 'see' anymore."

Most of the pieces were hung from tree branches around the southeast corner of the campus (think Kroeber and Wurster Halls). All - or at least the ones I located - were in plain sight of well-traveled walkways; some were even within plain reach. The ceramic pieces she produced were related in size, materials and colors, but some were round, others flat, some were dressed up with gold leaf and others sported major piercings.

I first saw them - around a dozen or so - a few days after they were put up. We then took an "oh-no-it's-not-going-to-rain-anymore-today" walk ten days later and got soaked. But through the rain we could just make out that only two were left hanging. People saw 'em all right. Pauline had hoped that when someone took one, s/he would leave a note, explaining why (the only note that I saw was my own). But we all know why they were taken; they were just too cool to leave behind.

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