Friday, December 27, 2024

OH NO! Not Squash, Again!

I did promise, it's true, not to bring up squash, pumpkins, gourds, zucchini or any other large edible vegetable for a while. And I haven't, not for ten whole months. 

But just so you know, I am not the only one who "does" squash. To wit, some good friends of ours were in Montreal this fall, and at the farmers' market (probably the last of the season, since snow flurries were imminent) they came across this entertaining and educational display:

Photo courtesy of Eileen Ward

There really is nothing to add, except - 

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Nothing Like a Deadline

So I started this ceramic project - everyone needs some birds and cactus in the yard, right - in the spring, and then, stuff happened. A lot of stuff, and mostly not good stuff. In fact, the kind of stuff that takes up a lot of time, energy, emotion fortitude and, well, life.

But I'm now getting back on track, and have great ambitions to complete this project by the end of the year. Or early January, Yes, I am deadline driven, but not that deadline driven. The point is simply to move it along. 

So from April, where there were three unglazed cactuses with unglazed birds to July when the cactuses were glazed, but not the birds. 

And in July-August, the grouping had been placed in the backyard.

By October, there were a few more pieces constructed and glazed, and a few more to go.

Last week: almost there, so wish me luck that I will make the deadline! 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Rain, Not Rain

A week ago, Luna's favorite hangout was on top of the neighbor's rain barrel. The dark plastic absorbed the heat; she could see into the yards and down the driveway, just in case that archenemy, The Black Cat was nearby. 

These days, with all this rain, wind and cold, guess who has been firmly committed to the plush cushion upstairs?

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Keeping the Spirits Up

 Well, my anxiety level is quite high, and Election Day isn't even here yet. But I have already voted, and I hope that you have, as well. And if not, get on it already!

To help keep the panic away, I've been looking at photos I took this year; I offer you a little vignette of flowers and ceramics (yup, handmade by me) from along my driveway. Cheers!

Monday, September 30, 2024

It's That Time of Year Again

Harvest time, I mean. And at least in this, it has been a lucky year. Let's just not talk about the eggplants, okay?

Amish Paste Tomatoes

Aconcagua Roasting Peppers (banana for scale)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Old Friend, Rediscovered

Once upon a time, like around 1991, when the animated Disney version of Beauty and the Beast first came out, we had a young friend who worked in a Berkeley movie house. For me, yes, actually for me, he "liberated" parts of the in-house cardboard standee - the portion that contained my best buddy Lumiere

Now Lumiere knocked about my studio for a while, and then he moved on. To the attic, to be exact. Where he lived in quiet and peaceful retirement until last week, until someone had the really stupid idea of cleaning out the attic. That someone will remain unnamed, at least here. 

And so was Lumiere awakened again: Nope, it wasn't Prince Charming, and no kissing was involved. Instead, it was Luna and I, armed with a feather duster and determination (in truth, I had the duster and determination; she was sleepy and pretty useless). 

Lumiere has moved on once again, to be with my niece who is an art director for Cold Open, one of those marketing agencies for the entertainment industry. Kinda sounds like we've come full circle, eh?

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Who's Your Daddy?

 Same mother sunflower plant, grown from seeds saved from last year. But since the bees are doing the heavy lifting of moving around the male pollen, any sunflower could have been your daddy. 

Yup, the power of genetics...

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

An Uncommon Visitor

Known as the common green darner (Anax junius), it's not anyone I've ever met up with around here. Blends in pretty well with the fava bean leaves, but somehow it caught my eye. Or its very large eyes met mine? Regardless, s/he hung around the yard for two days, and then, well, we lost touch. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The End of an Era

It's been the powerhouse, the workhorse of the kitchen here for nearly forty years. Banana smoothies for me - no prob. Mixing massive amounts of basil for pesto for the freezer - easy peasy. More, more, and yet more of velvety smooth squash soup - kids' stuff.

And before that, who knows? It belonged to my best guy's Mom before it came to us, and she passed in 1986. And then, one day (last Sunday, actually), it met up with the sink faucet...

Thankfully, there are replacement units. One is now on order, and we are all hoping that it arrives very soon and in perfect working order. Because those bananas are becoming seriously ripe. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Last Squash

Promise. We ate or gave away all the other ones. And most definitely, the last post about squash for a very looong time. Promise.

But you have to admit, it's a beauty at 12.5 lbs. (although other people have said things like, "hilarious" and "gonna be a lot of soup"). All true, but not very nice to say out loud. 

(Banana for scale)

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Beach

It's been raining, and it's supposed to rain again. What better time to head out to Tennessee Valley for a hike.