Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Salad Days

Over the years I have trialed many varieties of lettuces. Almost all have been good, if not very good. But Bronze Arrow has stood out as an excellent performer winter and summer, wet and soggy, or with little water under sunny, hot skies. Pretty to eat, and highly edible.

Bronze Arrow

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Feline Fashionistas

Birdsbesafe®. Yes, those silly, brightly colored fabric collars that are designed to keep your sweet kitty friend from massacring your sweet birdie friends. And "brightly colored" works. According to researchers at St. Lawrence University, "cats wearing collars killed 19 times fewer birds than uncollared cats.

But really it's all about making a fashion statement. Sebastian, for example, looks absolutely gorgeous modeling the newest design (yup, I made them myself - just as easy to sew as to buy - and shared a few with friends).

Photo courtesy of Judy Chess

And doesn't Luna cut a lovely figure showing off an older model? It's actually, a hand-me-down from Princess, but Luna doesn't seem to mind. 

And Sebastian once again, sporting another lovely design, handcrafted by his guardian, Judy. So adorable.

Photo courtesy of Judy Chess

Available online or from your local sewing machine. 

The brighter the better!

Keep your local birds happy and safe!