Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Once Again, That Votey-Changey Thing

You know what to do, and by when to do it. And I'm pretty sure that at least some of you have been doing this for long enough to not be reminded. And reminded, and reminded yet once more (that texting stuff is only useful for making the texter feel good about "being involved" and zip for the ones receiving the dopey upbeat messages from strangers, or so I think).

But I'm not so sure I know what to do this time in Oakland. Ten candidates for mayor, all pretty much no-names, all mouthing the same words about the same on-going issues, and I'm supposed to rank my preferences? Or up to five of my choices, when I can barely decide upon one? I know that I will figure something out, but along with so many other things, it's kinda depressing. 

And is anyone else really, really, completely really tired of dialysis in California? Yes, it's an important concern, but does it actually belong on the ballot, year after year? 

Okay, okay, enough of the grumpy whining - I will do my part in voting, and I hope that you will do yours as well.