Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Five Years Later

It was a beautiful day at Gray Lodge, although a little too windy to be outside for much time. So no watercolor painting for my best guy this time around. We even ate lunch in the car.

But the birds didn't seem to mind the wind at all. They were too busy eating their own lunches.

Traffic was, well, traffic, even on a Monday holiday. So next time, say in the next five years or so, we will be leaving even earlier. Nothing like breakfast in the car...


Sue Johnson said...

We were there a week ago, and REALLY windy, and also really birds.
We left with ouir hearts full of sightings of: snow geese, white-fronted geese, white-faced ibis and many, many, many, many ducks.
Lovely day, and we were also car-bound.

Jill said...

So glad you had a good time birding, even with the wind.

I too saw many+ ducks, only a few ibis and more geese outside the reserve than inside. It was all good. I was really pleased to see so many raptors - kestrels, harriers, redtails and red shoulders, and even a few kites. I was really hoping for to see some sandhill cranes, but maybe it will have to wait for next time.