Sunday, June 5, 2016

Kinetic Heroics

Atomic Funguys
In Oakland over Memorial Day, a whole lot of people were not really thinking about barbecues and sunshine. Nah, they were much more wrapped up in whether the Warriors were going to make it into the finals.

But at the Kinetic Grand Championship 2016 in Eureka/Arcata, many others had their fingers crossed to see how well the Kinetic Kootie, along with all the other entries, could make it into the water.

Regardless, I recommend that you: Go with friends. Enjoy the sunshine. Applaud loudly.

Kinetic Kootie

I would like to note that, as an Oakland resident and occasional crankypants, since 1971, the Golden State Warriors are in O-A-K-L-A-N-D.

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