Monday, March 23, 2015

IkeaHacker Kitchen Counter

So last winter when we were moving the painting studio back home, I came up with this idea for adding more counter space in the old studio's kitchen.

I thought it was a pretty good idea and so did IkeaHackers, which shares many interesting ways to repurpose Ikea products. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Updates: #6

The weather has been beautiful, so the work on removing the old Bay Bridge span has continued. And as self-appointed volunteer monitors, we've gotten out the bikes to oversee the demolition.

The cormorants are still kicking around, although now there is a lot less bridge to perch on. But it seems a bit disingenuous to blame the birds for cost overruns, when Caltrans is clearly responsible for the greatest share of that mess. Even when you include all that guano.

We also wasted a chunk of time trying to catch a glimpse the troll, but we simply couldn't find him. I sent a message to "Contact Us" at Caltrans, asking for at least a small hint, but no word back yet.

The now senior amaryllis finally put out seven flower stalks. Just in time for the St. Patrick's Day holiday?

Teaspoon provided for scale
But the blooms kept me company while I was knitting teenie, tiny hats for preemie babies at a local hospital. The project was sponsored by project: peace, a local organization which coordinates quarterly(ish) "help-out" days at local schools and non-profits.

We are still eating zucchini fresh off the vine, last year's vine that is ("climate chaos" as my sister named it), and even a few peppers, also from last season. The plants are pretty ratty looking, but we are eating well.

Especially peas - both snow and snap peas. Lots of them. So, the question is, "Can you actually have too many peas?" Yes, sometimes, so thank goodness for my pea-munching friends.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Loneliest Blueberry in Oakland

Photo Taken on March 1, 2015

A little tart, but a nice addition to my morning's bowl of granola.