Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cram for the Exam

Yup, it's that time once again to pick your leadership. And goodness, but lots of people are using stacks and stacks of dead tree debris to help convince us how to do it.

Oakland has ranked-choice voting, which means that many of those lots of people are also trying to game the system. But with 15 mayoral candidates in the running, that may be difficult.

Got questions about ranked-choice voting? Who doesn't? Then read this from the Alameda Registrar of Voters, explaining how it works.

Me? Aside from those pesky state propositions, I have more questions about Measure BB which wants one full percentage point in sales tax revenues for thirty (yes, three-zero) years. Much of that dough goes to BART to expand further into the hinterlands. An East Bay Express article details the short-sighted ways of funding BART.

Only eight percent of Measure BB is dedicated to bicyclists and pedestrians. Meaning, if you have problems with bumpy streets and potholes large enough to host a flock of ducks, you are on your own. A good friend of me who is far more savvy about this kind of stuff claims that "they are truly reaching."

So start early - my ballot is three pages long, both sides - 'cause the deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 4th.

Oakland North

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