Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Beads, Beads, and More Beads

Not the brightest thing I've ever done, but I still like the result. So, if you have a ball of leftover clay, and a few spare minutes, why not make a ceramic bead? Or six? Or one hundred and six? Or even more?

However, once you have all these beads knocking around, then what? They can, and trust me, they have, just sit around on a shelf in the garage. But eventually, you really have to do something with them.  Like throw them out, try and give them away, or something.

I went the something route and "decorated" the house with bead garlands. As my friend Eve pointed out, "Just in time for Mardi Gras!" (She's more of a party animal than I am.)

Also, inspired by The Rules of Summer by Shaun Tan, I just couldn't resist including one red sock. So yes, I will be careful if I encounter any oversized rabbits.