Friday, January 24, 2025

Sooo, They're Not Really Squash

Remember waay back when - December, 2023, to be precise - I wrote about a new set of gourds I grew in the front yard, destined (fingers crossed) to become birdhouses? Most likely, you don't. But that's okay, because I can tell you about it (again?) and you probably won't mind because you don't remember, right?

So, the gourds grew all summer along in 2023, then sat outside on the front porch drying and curing until nearly the summer of 2024. It took a while, but it was a huge success: nine potential birdhouses for many, many generations of wrens, chickadees and/or titmice. 

After a bit of drilling and filing, they came into their true purpose:

One gourd/birdhouse is now suspended from the back trellis, very close to where the old one was hanging. I haven't seen any feathery bodies checking out the premises yet, but I have high hopes. In all honesty, it sometimes can take the little ones a year or more to find the site and be convinced that it's safe. 

A few more are with other friends and family members, I believe even as far away as the San Diego area. As for the rest? Shhh, my lovely niece and I are installing them in an undisclosed open space area for the very wild birds. Her son was a great little helper on our first installation event.